437 Girard Street

Havre de Grace, MD 21078


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Serving police, fire, veterans, federal agents, dispatchers and corrections officers


Dynamic Fitness Solutions

Our new fitness center

At the onset of COVID, the outside gym that was available to us no longer became practical.  Our leadership team took action and designed and built a state-of-the-art fitness center that includes Precor brand treadmills, ellipticals, spin bikes, step mill, a “Smith Machine”, olympic flat bench, 3 tier dumbbell rack (5 to 75lbs) with adjustable bench.  An escape octagon with all the trimmings!  Kettle bells and more!  Everything the fitness enthusiast would want. 

Yoga & Meditation

Every day begins with quiet meditation and reflection. Patients also have the opportunity to participate in weekly yoga sessions. Benefits of meditation and yoga are reduced stress, controlling anxiety, enhancing self awareness and improved sleep.

Fitness & Recreation

A healthy lifestyle including exercise and recreational activity is critical to long-term recovery and total wellness. Our certified fitness counselor and trainer evaluates each of our patients to determine current fitness levels and needs. Shannon then develops a custom treatment plan, monitors each patient’s progress during their stay and makes adjustments as needed. Fitness options range from cardiovascular and weight training to outdoor activities like hiking, with something for every patient.


All patient suites at Harbor of Grace Enhanced Recovery Center have full, updated kitchens stocked with plenty of fresh, healthy groceries. Patients are able to make healthy choices that accommodate all dietary preferences.

Art & Music

At Harbor of Grace Enhanced Recovery Center, we employ a wide range of therapy methods proven to remove obstacles to progress, including art and music therapy. Art therapy helps individuals alleviate stress, learn to communicate constructively, and explore different aspects of their own personalities. Our art therapist works with patients in a small group setting conducive to personal expression. Long an accepted method of treatment, music therapy helps patients address physical, emotional, cognitive and social needs of individuals through a combination of creating, singing, moving to and/or listening to music. Research on art and music therapy supports their effectiveness in many areas, including overall physical rehabilitation, increased motivation for treatment and greater emotional support for clients and their families through expression.