437 Girard Street

Havre de Grace, MD 21078


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Serving police, fire, veterans, federal agents, dispatchers and corrections officers

Shannon Alexander

Fitness has been an integral part of Shannon’s life for over 30 years. She believes that exercise not only has physical effects on the body but, more importantly, is a total mental and emotional boost as well. Overall wellness starts at the gym with conditioning, strengthening and endurance and stretching. It produces a sense of relaxation. People can take these skills and resources and further incorporate them in their daily lives to help develop healthy coping mechanisms.

As a child of addicts, Shannon has been touched by this disease her entire life and has watched the winding road of recovery for those afflicted. She is anxious to help others find a healthy outlet by choosing the course towards full body and mind wellness.
Shannon is a Licensed Personal Trainer and Certified Group Fitness Instructor. Her certifications include yoga, Pilates, R.I.P.P.E.D., TRX, Kettlebell Piyo and Kick Boxing.